Colour Blindness; Color Blindness; Colour / Color Vision Deficiency

 Whatever you want to call it, the inability to distinguish colours properly is a regular pain in the arse. Two Windows tools I use with this problem and which I both highly recommend are:


Ever tried using a color picker tool on a high resolution monitor? It's impossible. That's why this color picker has a magnifier attached. Grab palettes of up to 16 colors at once and use four advanced color mixers to select a spectrum of possibilities.


WhatColor identifies a color of the pixel on the screen of your PC. There are some similar tools to display RGB values to assist making HTML used in authoring WWW pages. WhatColor is different. It tells you not only RGB values, but also the name of the color of the point.

Let me know in the comments if you found these tools useful, or if you recommend any others.
