Where can I find free characters to use in animation

 Here are some resources where you can find free characters to use in animation, categorized by the type of license they fall under:

Free for Personal and Commercial Use (Attribution Required):

  • OpenGameArt.org: This website offers a vast library of 2D and 3D character sprites, models, and textures, all free for personal and commercial use as long as you credit the artist.
  • Kenney.nl: Another great resource for 2D game art assets, including characters in various styles. Kenney offers different tiers of licensing, with some characters free for commercial use with attribution.
  • Lospec.com: This website focuses on pixel art assets, including character sprites. Many of the resources are free for commercial use with attribution.

Free for Non-Commercial Use Only:

  • Some Asset Stores: Many 3D animation software programs have built-in asset stores with free resources, including characters. However, be sure to check the license carefully, as some may only be free for non-commercial projects.
  • Character Design Challenges: Websites like https://characterdesignreferences.com/ frequently host character design challenges. While you can't necessarily use the winning entries in your own projects, they can be a great source of inspiration for creating your own free characters.

Additional Resources:

  • Creative Commons Search: You can search Creative Commons: https://creativecommons.org/ for character art specifically licensed for non-commercial use or modification. Be sure to double-check the specific license terms of each resource you find.
  • Freelance Platforms: Consider finding an artist on a freelance platform like Fiverr or Upwork who might be willing to create a simple character for you for free or at a low cost.

Important Note:

Always carefully read the license terms of any free character you download. Make sure you understand the restrictions on how you can use the character, especially if you plan on using it in a commercial project. It's better to be safe than sorry to avoid any copyright issues down the line.
